author Gisela



  • Lemon water is an effective and simple remedy that will help you get rid of extra pounds and maintain your health. Read the article about how to properly use lemon water.
    31 October 2023
  • How to follow a buckwheat diet to lose weight? Recommendations of nutritionists, the benefits and harms of a mono-diet and combined diets based on buckwheat. Ready-made diet menus with buckwheat for a week and a month, as well as the right way out of the diet.
    17 December 2021
  • Watermelon diet: nuances and rules. Different options for a watermelon diet for weight loss. Recipes for meals that are suitable for the diet.
    10 December 2021
  • General rules for observing the Maggi diet, contraindications. Sample menu for 4 weeks, recipes for cooking. Features of exiting the diet.
    29 December 2020